Thursday, August 7, 2008


We are getting ready for our trip to Florida! We are taking the kids to Disneyland for about a week! Can't wait to post pictures and details from our trip! The kids are super excited about going, as are Chris and I - except maybe for the 23 hour car trip to get there! :)

Not too much news to report. Tyler is starting J.V. Football and got his uniform last night. I will post pictures next week of him! He is excited, and we are nervous!

Brandon and Allie have been spending their summer swimming, swimming and more swimming! I swear sometimes that they are fish, but they are having a good time.

All three of them have been spending their night "camping out" in the camper in the backyard.
I had a request to post some pics of our dog, gizmo! He will be a year old in September!

Talk to everyone soon!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Family Pictures

Brandon and Tyler Pictures

Pictures of Allie

Tubing at Round Lake

A couple of weekends ago we took the kids to Round Lake and they got to try "Tubing"
They had a blast..and as you can see it didn't take long for Tyler to fall off the tube and into the water! The other kids thought that was the funniest thing!
Big Tyler is on the tube by himself, and the other tube has Little Tyler, Allie and Brandon. (For those of you who may not know, Little Tyler is our soon to be nephew. His mom is Kevin's fiance, Heather!)

Our First Post!

Hello Everyone!

Since we are not so great at sending pictures and writing letters, we have decided to start our own blog so that we can keep everyone updated on what's going on, and pictures of the kids as they keep growing like weeds!